One of the objectives of the Research Centre for Arts and Communication is the dissemination of the knowledge produced in the Centre, with a particular incidence in the areas of literacy (Media, Arts and Science), mediation, interculturality and communicative multimodality.

Open Science allows the sharing of knowledge among the scientific community, society and companies, increasing not only the scientific knowledge but also the social and economic impact. The promotion of Open Access/FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable) for scientific data and publications enables the democratization of the access to knowledge, contributing to the development of an informed and conscious society.

The core of the Open Access is the free, online access to publications and data arising from FCT funding. Any user must be able to access these scientific publications in digital format, without fees or content restrictions. Open Access deposit gives researcher’s work more visibility and impact, that can allow new funding and support as well as discussions and data citations. The digital preservation of the productions facilitates the integration of the information on Ciência Vitae and ORCID.

Advantages of Open Science:

  • Increases the efficiency, academic rigor and quality of research;
  • Expand the knowledge of the scientific work process;
  • Promotes the involvement of society in the process of (co)creation;
  • Increases the social and economic impact of science;
  • Accelerates the creation of the research themes;
  • Stimulates creativity and innovation by amplifying the impact of research;
  • Protects and values the intellectual property;
  • Promotes scientific return to the institutions.

OThe Research Centre for Arts and Communication e its researchers should respect the following guidelines underlying National Open Science policies:

  • The authors must deposit the final version of the publications in, at least, one repository within the RCAAP network (Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal);
  • The publications should include the reference to FCT funding:
  • As publicações devem incluir referência ao financiamento da FCT:
    • When there is financial support, the following note should be included:

      This work is financed by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the framework of project UIDB/04019/2020.

    • When there is no financial support, the following note should be included:

      This work is supported by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the framework of project UIDB/04019/2020.

    • (When the work is also funded by other projects or identities, the funding references must accumulate and the researcher must choose one of the previously proposed texts – whether or not there is financial support.)

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