Communication Sciences Seminars: “Place/Destination Branding research”
Communication Sciences Seminars: “Human Sustainability and Circularity of time”
ARTECH 2023 – 11th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts
Seminar “The Art of the Poster: From Advertising to the Museum”
Communication Sciences Seminars: “Work and Scientific Publications”
Communication Sciences Seminars: “Sports Communication”
Communication Sciences Seminars: “Research in Communication Sciences”
Seminar “The Popular Music in Cinema”
Communication Sciences Seminars: “Happiness Works – Organizational Happiness Study”
4th Meeting “The Creative Process”
Conference “Alexandre Dumas: from Literature to Cinema”
Lecture “A Mística Feminina Medieval entre Portugal e o Brasil”
II International Symposium on Methodologies of Literature and Tourism and Literary Tourism
Symposium Cypet: Cyberperformance: Artistic and Pedagogical Practices
I International Conference on Literature and Tourism: Lit&Tour
Communication Sciences Seminars with André Martins
2nd Symposium on Media-Art Digital
Cycle of Visual Arts with Lourenço Egreja
Cycle of Conferences with João Dionísio
Cycle of Visual Arts with Bruno Caracol and Pavel Tavares
Workshop “Let’s talk about… hate speech on the Internet”
II Congress of the National Network of Cultural Studies
Cycle of Visual Arts with Miguel Cheta
Communication Sciences Seminars: “Cinema Transnacional na Europa Mediterrânea”
International Symposium on Methodologies of Literature and Tourism and Literary Tourism
Cycle of Visual Arts with Bertílio Martins
Communication Sciences Seminars with José Carlos Santos
Communication Sciences Seminars: “Fotojornalismo”
Cycle of Conferences with Laura Puerto Moro
Communication Sciences Seminars: “O que é necessário para ser um bom Relações Públicas?”
Cycle of Visual Arts with Pedro Cabral Santo
I International Colloquium “Cinemas do Mediterrâneo”
Webinar Series “PREDICT: Jobs of the Future”
Cycle of Visual Arts with Mirian Tavares
Cycle of Visual Arts with Rui Sanches
Cycle of Visual Arts with Catarina Figueiredo and Rita Borralho Silva
CIAC Webinars #9 with Patrícia Moran
“Cinema Circundante” INVITRO Seminar
“Contemporary Art and the Media after 9/11” Conference
Visual Arts Cycle with Bruno Grilo
CIAC Webinars #8 with Tim Bergfelder and Eleanor Halsall
ALMA Conference Cycle with Ana Isabel Soares and Isabel Nogueira
“Fake News e Desinformação: ameaças ao jornalismo e à democracia” Seminar
“Media Arte e Documentário Cinematográfico: Poética” Seminar
Visual Arts Cycle with Sara Navarro
Visual Arts Cycle with Susana de Medeiros
ALMA Conference Cycle with Luiz Ruffato and José Barahona
CIAC Webinars #7 with Austin Fisher
Visual Arts Cycle with Alice Riff
Online Conference Literature, Tourism and Waterscapes
Visual Arts Cycle with Joana R. Sá
Cycle of Visual Arts with Nuno Viegas
ALMA Conference Cycle with João Melo
CIAC Webinars #6 with Gabriel Rodriguez
Visual Arts Cycle with Rodrigo Rosa
Digital Innovation: moving forward
CIAC Webinars #5: Patrimónios literários, patrimónios gastronómicos e turismo
Book Presentation “Comunicação Audiovisual: o comboio do amor”
CIAC Webinars #3 com Tom McCarthy
Seminário “Semiótica e Cultura Visual”
Palestra “O mosaico das linguas: Sociedade e linguas en Galicia”
V Conferência Ética nas Organizações
Seminário “Comunicação, linguística e encontros interculturais”
Seminário “Caixa Geral de Depósitos – Comunicação e Sustentabilidade”
Seminário “Storytelling na comunicacional organizacional”
Seminário “O cinema das origens e a coleção de cartazes do Museu Municipal de Faro”
CIAC Webinars #2 com Adriana Nascimento
CIAC Webinars #1 com Nigel Power
Webinar Arte e Empreendedorismo
Apresentação do livro “The Forking Paths”
Conferência Games Against Hate Speech
II Ciclo de Seminários Invitro
Ciclo de Artes Visuais com Lourenço Egreja
Ciclo de Artes Visuais com António Cabral Pinto
Conferência Linguistic diversity, rights, and challenges in Russia
Conferência Diversidade Linguística em Moçambique
Encontro Expressões com Som e Imagem – E X S I 21
8th International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ICOAH) 2021
XIV Seminário Internacional de Mídia, Cultura, Cidadania e Informação
Redes, Investigação, desenvolvimento e Inovação
I Seminário Comunicação & Publicidade
Ciclo de Artes Visuais com Lourenço Egreja
Conferência “Hypotheses of interactivity for the cinema of the future”
8º Retiro do Doutoramento em Média-Arte Digital
Festival Internacional de Cinema e Literatura de Olhão
III Conferência Ética nas Organizações
Diálogos Oblicuos: Notas entre la arquitectura y otros campos
Forúm Virtual “Imagining the Future of Multilingualism: Education and Society at a Turning Point”
Apresentação de livro e inauguração da exposição #2 The Gateway to the Stars de Pedro Cabral Santo
Workshop Oficina DESASSOSSEGO REMIX 5: ARCHIVE LdoD1 with Manuel Portela
Conferência “La realidad del deseo”: la poesía erótica de los Siglos de Oro
Conference: “As viagens Fantásticas de Júlio Verne”
Conferência “Literatura de Viagens”
Festival Som Riscado_Festival de Música e Imagem de Loulé
Festival Internacional de Cinema e Literatura de Olhão
Ciclo de Artes Visuais com João Pedro Azul
Conferência “O Universo de Júlio Verne”
Workshop “Código, Conteúdo, Criação e Cultura para a Educação Digital”
Seminário “El Romancero y Ramón Menéndez Pidal”
Ciclo Extenso de Homenagem a Vítor Reia-Baptista “Herético e Libertário”
Ciclo de Artes Visuais com Miguel Soares
ARTECH Internacional – 9th International Conference on Digital Arts
Festival Internacional de Cinema e Literatura de Olhão
Ciclo de Artes Visuais com João Pedro Azul
Conferência “O Universo de Júlio Verne”
Workshop “Code, Content, Creation and Culture for Digital Education”.
Seminar “El Romancero y Ramón Menéndez Pidal”
Extensive cycle of homage to Vítor Reia-Baptista Herético e Libertário”
Ciclo de Artes Visuais with Miguel Soares
Encontro Internacional de Tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada na Educação – encont[RA]r 2018
VII edição do Encontro de Instituições e Unidades de eLearning do Ensino Superior (eL@IES2018)
Mostra de cinema africano no Rio de Janeiro
Conservar a palavra: Patrimónios Literários e Literatura Patrimonial
Conferência Ética nas Organizações
Workshop Escolhas com Hanspeter Ammann
V edição do Colóquio Narrativa, Média e Cognição
Retiro do Doutoramento em Média-Arte Digital 2018
Conference Cinema and Education: from production to reception
12th Jornadas do CIAC Conference
Argument and Screenplay Workshop
E-X-S-I 2018- Encounter with sound and image
Roundtable: The Future of the Humanities
Open classes with Mirian Tavares on “Cinema, Media and City”
Seminar Photojournalism as Art
Cinema and Journalism Debate Series
Communication Sciences Workshops
Encontro Internacional de Tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada na Educação – encont[RA]r 2018
Culture, Networks and Politics: Ibero-American Cultural Charter
Conference Brands and Social Networks : Collaboration, engagement and Media Literacy
Conference De-stereotyping of the drawing
Seminar Transnacional Cinema of Mediterranean Europe
Seminar Politics and Communication
11th ‘jornadas do CIAC’ Conference
5th Digital Media Arts PhD Retreat
Europe and the Colonial Empires of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries in Literature and Film
Brazil Week. Film & Literature
4th Digital Media Arts PhD Retreat
Summer Seminar “Curating Cultural Big Data”
Communication, Culture and Arts Master’s Themed Lecture Series
Good International Practices of Culture Networks Debate-Lecture
Seminar News Accuracy -The Principles and Limits of Journalistic Content
Seminar Hybrid Documentaries: Subjective Aesthetics
Workshop Citizens of The World. Do We Share The Same Values? A Perspective on Media Literacy
International Seminar Fantasy and Otherness
Meeting Challenges and Issues for the New Media Arts Circuit with Marta Rodrigues
9th ‘Jornadas do CIAC’ Conference
3rd Digital Media Arts PhD Retreat
1946-1976: Mediterranean European Cinema From The Post-War Era To The Collapse of the Dictatorships
Images and memories of dictatorships
Internacional Conference Arts & Sciences in Dialogue
Conference Flâneur – New Urban Narratives
8th ‘Jornadas do CIAC’ Conference
7th ‘Jornadas do CIAC’ Conference
Series Masters and disciples in the Arts, in Sciences, in Humanities
Culture 2020 Heritage and Territory Seminar
ARTECH 2012 International Conference
Lecture Libraries and Reading Practices in the Algarve
Seminar Transfer of Themes, Discourse and Languages between Film and Advertising
Seminar Literacia de la violencia de género en medios de comunicación
2nd Digital Media Arts PhD Retreat
Conference Digital Ethnography
1st Amateur Theatre Conference of the Algarve
4th International Academic Conference of Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies.
International Conference Storytelling Today: Tradition, instrument and Art
Conference Dickens and the influence of 19th-century literature on film
Lecture ‘Plot 28: el primer universe transmedia de Ficción Total’
Lecture Images of Galicia: Propaganda of the Franco Regime and footprint of the Real