Da Nova Arte de Fazer Ruínas presents a new show at the Thalia Theater on October 12 and 13.

The project Da Nova Arte de Fazer Ruínas presents two shows at the Thalia Theater, in Lisbon, on October 12 and 13 at 9:00 pm with the support of CIAC.

Da Nova Arte de Fazer Ruínas  is a choreographic piece by Beatriz Cantinho in collaboration with the composer Diogo Alvim and the composer and artist Ricardo Jacinto. The interpretation of movement is made by Filipe Pereira, Jácome Silva and Marta Cerqueira. The musical interpretation is signed by Diogo Alvim and Ricardo Jacinto.

Da Nova Arte de Fazer Ruínas approaches the theme of the ruin, exploring and developing processes of composition, of movement and sound, articulated with the architectural space, in its physical and cultural dimensions.

More than a metaphorical or imaginary representation of the ruin, the project experiences, through abstraction and translation for choreographic (and musical) composition, different premises associated with the idea of the ​​ruin; erosion, repetition, fragmentation, accumulation, recovery, destruction and reconstruction.

More information:

Project website

OSSO – Associação Cultural

ossocultural@gmail.com | www.osso.pt

Interview Appointements:

Artistic director/choreography | Beatriz Cantinho

tlm: 911967097

Estrada das Laranjeiras, 211


12 and 13 october | Thursday and Friday at 9:00 p.m.

Duration: 50 m (aprox.)

€5 (Single price)
Reservations: ossocultural@gmail.com
Access: Metro | Jardim Zoológico

Da Nova Arte de Fazer Ruínas is a project funded by DGARTES – Ministry of Culture.


Arquipélago – Centro de Artes Contemporâneas – Açores


Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa; Teatro ThaliaCIAC – Centro de Investigação da Universidade do Algarve.
LAC – Lagos; ALKANTARA; Espaço do Tempo; Polo Cultural – Gaivotas.