The first issue of CIAC’s LIT&TOUR: International Journal of Literature and Tourism Research, is already available online. With the theme “Literature, Tourism and Waterscapes”, this special issue gathers articles by researchers from different countries and academic backgrounds that focus on the relationship between Literature, Tourism, and Waterscapes.

Amongst the highlighted articles are: “O imaginário romântico do Rio Douro: dos viajantes na primeira metade do século XIX aos nossos dias“, by Didiana Fernandes e Isabel Vieira; “Tourism and Modernity in 19th century Portugal: Ramalho Ortigão’s national waterscapes travel books”, by José Luis Gómez Vázquez; “Waterscapes literárias: a representação da água em Viagem à Itália, de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe“, by Natália Valle and Marcelo Chemin; “Gothic Ocean in S. T. Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner“, by Ljubica Matek; “Questions to tourists stopped by Walden pond: waterscapes, words and literary tourism“, by Isabel Maria Fernandes Alves; “Literary route through Borriana and the Sea A literary, inclusive and sustainable tourism experience“, by Aina Monferrer; “A presença (in)visível da água na paisagem e nos percursos turísticos do Geoparque Algarvensis na região do Algarve“, by Paula Gomes da Silva e Desidério Batista; “The impact of Ivo Andrić’s novel The bridge on the Drina on the formation of tourist image on the historical Višegrad bridge and its surrounding waterscape“, by Teodora Popović; “The trope of water in Ulysses used as a tool in reading the city of Roskilde“, by Keld Buciek; and “‘A strange dream upon the water’: Venice as inspiration for writers and reader-tourists“, by Ilda Erkoçi.
This special issue was edited by CIAC researchers CIAC Sílvia Quinteiro, Ana Cláudia Silva, Isabel Dâmaso Santos, Maria José Marques, Maria Mota Almeida, and Pedro Quintino Sousa.
LIT&TOUR: International Journal of Literature and Tourism Research is an ‘open access’ biannual publication that promotes research in the fields of Literature and Tourism and brings together researchers from all over the world. The call for papers is permanently open.