Clara Pinto Correia no Ciclo “Mestres e Discípulos nas Artes, nas Ciências, nas Humanidades”

O Ciclo de Palestras “Mestres e Discípulos nas Artes, nas Ciências, nas Humanidades” recebe no próximo dia 28 de junho, pelas 11h00, no Salão Nobre dos Paços do Concelho, em Loulé, Clara Pinto Correia. A professora, bióloga, escritora e historiadora de ciência ministrará a palestra “HETERODOXY . The next enlightenment could last for good”.

Recorde-se que o evento é uma iniciativa da Universidade do Algarve, do CIAC e da Câmara Municipal de Loulé.

Contamos com a vossa presença!

Sobre a palestra:

Biology now commands a revolution that profoundly challenges everything we used to take for granted concerning limits and ethics. We are facing monumental shifts in the way we understand and handle our birth, our reproduction, and even our death. As we force nature to change according to our will, we are engaging all cultures and creeds of a world now deeply interconnected – and yet still complexly divided – into brand new moral territories. If we truly want to, we can combine all these seemingly alarming fractions in the fabulous equation for a new Enlightenment of proportions never achieved before. But are we ready for the time of our lives? Will we ever get to such an ambitious mark? Shall we know how to make a whole new stage of human understanding last for the ages? Enlightened eras existed before. They gave us their best and then they crumbled. Could we write a different history this time around? We can. But do we know why it matters?

Sobre a palestrante:

Clara Pinto Correia é professora universitária, bióloga, escritora e historiadora da ciência. Tem vastíssima obra publicada em diversos domínios do saber a nível nacional e internacional.